In this section, resources are available for CACs that provide services for Youth with Problematic Sexual Behavior (YPSB) and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC).
Children with Disabilities in Child Abuse Cases
- Child Victims with Disabilities: Overview and Statistics
- Child Victims with Disabilities: Resource Guide
- Child Victims with Disabilities ASD: Overview and Strategies
- Child Victims with Disabilities Non-Verbal - Overview and Statistics
- Child Victims with Disabilities: A Guide for Prosecutors
- Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Can Experience Traumatic Stress: A Fact Sheet for Parents and Caregivers
- First Responder Disability Awareness Full Resource Guide
- The Impact of Trauma on Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Fact Sheet for Providers
- Interviewing Children with Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Forensic Interviewers
NRCAC Videos
Youth with Problematic Sexual Behavior (YPSB)
- As a Matter of Fact: Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors
- Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior Problems: A Selected Bibliography
- National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth Resources
- Problematic Sexual Behavior-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for School-Age Children
- Understanding and Coping With Sexual Behavior Problems
- Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Webinar