Category Archives: resources

Special Topics

In this section, resources are available for CACs that provide services for Youth with Problematic Sexual Behavior (YPSB) and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC).

NCA Accreditation Standards

National Children’s Alliance (NCA) is the national association and accrediting body for Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs). NCA opened in 1994 and has created 10 standards for accreditation, with member CACs across the country and State Chapter organizations in all 50 states. There are four levels of membership: Accredited, Associate/Developing, Affiliate, and Satellite. Each membership level has different requirements.

Victim Advocacy

Victim advocacy services are essential to support the child victim and the non-offending caregiver in the aftermath of an allegation of abuse. A victim/family advocate is present at the time of the forensic interview to meet with the MDT during the pre-meeting to discuss and share information with the MDT. The advocate then meets with the caregiver during the forensic interview to provide support, information, and referrals.

Secondary Traumatic Stress

It is essential for CACs and MDTs to discuss the emotional, mental, and physical toll from working in the field of child abuse. Individual staff should have the opportunity to evaluate their own resilience and learn strategies to combat vicarious trauma/compassion fatigue and burnout. We need to educate new team members, as well as seasoned employees, to understand the impact, identify any physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms, to then address ways to build resilience.

Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)

A multidisciplinary team (MDT) working on child abuse cases includes law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, victim advocacy, medical, and mental health professionals. The MDT members usually sign on to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Interagency that represents the shared commitment to the mission, purpose, and intent of the CAC and the MDT approach for child abuse cases in our community.

Mental Health

Medical Exams in Child Abuse Cases

All children who are suspected victims of child abuse are entitled to a medical exam conducted by a specialized medical provider. CACs/MDTs can share with families and partner agencies, the importance of a medical exam to ensure the health and well-being of the child, to diagnose and treat medical conditions that may be related to sexual abuse; and to allow for collection of evidence that may be present on the child’s body or clothing within 72 hours (pre-pubescent children) and 120 hours (adolescents).

Forensic Interviewing

Forensic interviewers conduct legally-sound, developmentally-appropriate, neutral, fact-finding interviews of children (and sometimes adults with disabilities) in accordance with CAC referral policy. Forensic interviews are provided at CACs across the country as part of the multidisciplinary team response.  Interviews are coordinated with the multidisciplinary team to avoid duplicative interviewing and minimize trauma to those being interviewed.

Case Review

Case review is the formal process through which professionals share facts and observations that inform team decisions and assist participating professionals to make decisions about cases. Case review is a core standard of an accredited member CAC program. Case review presents an opportunity for each professional to share their unique knowledge and skill with the other team members and allows for full discussion on determining the optimum case plan and next steps.

CAC Management