Forensic interviewers conduct legally-sound, developmentally-appropriate, culturally-competent, neutral, fact-finding interviews of children (and sometimes adults with disabilities) in accordance with CAC referral policy. Forensic interviews are provided at CACs across the country as part of the multidisciplinary team response. Interviews are coordinated with the multidisciplinary team to avoid duplicative interviewing and minimize trauma to those being interviewed.
- Approved List of Forensic Interviewing Training for NCA's Standards for Accredited CAC Members
- ChildFirst Forensic Interview Protocol
- Child Forensic Interviewing: Best Practices
- Considerations for the MDT/CAC Approach to Recantation
- Forensic Interviewing: What Every Prosecutor Needs to Know
- Forensic Interview Peer Review Form
- National Children’s Advocacy Center’s Child Abuse Library Online, Forensic Interviewing Bibliographies
- Outline of the Forensic Interview Structure
- Position Paper on the Introduction of Evidence in Forensic Interviews of Children