Are you looking to add another tool to the mental health services you are providing at the CAC? Do you struggle with those kiddos who cannot regulate and are unable to take part in the systems that need to hear from them? Sensory Motor Arousal Treatment (SMART) is an innovative mental health therapy for complexly traumatized children and adolescents for whom regulation of emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal life is a primary problem. In this second part of our 2-part series, we discuss SMART as a treatment option for CAC’s, the benefits it can have to the children and families they serve, and how it can be implemented into a mental health program.
Dr. Elizabeth Warner, Ed.M, Psy,D
Full bio:
Shyra Williams, LMSW, ACTP
Full bio:
Tony DeVincenzo, MA
NRCAC Training Specialist
Full bio:
Mentioned in this episode:
Ed & Nancy Hanenburg Children’s Advocacy Center website
SMARTmoves website
Disclaimer: This project was sponsored by NRCAC from Grant Award Number 2019-CI-FX-K005 and CFDA #16.758 awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, OJJDP or NRCAC.