Episode 15 – Team Facilitation in Uncertain Times

MDT facilitation and coordination presents unique challenges on the best of days, let alone during crisis. On this episode Tony speaks with Greg Flett of the National Children’s Advocacy Center about the role of the team facilitator, what coordinating MDTs looks like, and how to approach this role during COVID-19.

Greg Flett is a Senior Program Manager for the Southern Regional Children’s Advocacy Center, a program of the National Children’s Advocacy Center. He has formerly been a CAC Director at centers in New York and Colorado, and was previously an Outreach Coordinator at the Northeast Regional Children’s Advocacy Center.

Mentioned in this episode:

Southern Regional Children’s Advocacy Center – Website, Facebook

Visit the NRCAC Website for resources, training opportunities, and more!

Have an idea for a future Team Talk guest or topic? We want to hear from you! Email your suggestions to Tony DeVincenzo at tony@nrcac.org.

Disclaimer: This project was sponsored by NRCAC from Grant Award Number 2019-CI-FX-K005 and CFDA #16.758 awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Department of Justice.

Check out this episode!